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Player Config


The player.config.js file, located at .treble/player.config.js, contains the Player API initialization parameters that are passed directly to the Threekit Player API. These exclude all the environment specific parameters and values which are handled in the credentials in threekit.config.js.

More information about parameters can be found here: Embedding the Threekit Player.

display(optional) Determines whether to use the 3D Player (webgl) or the 2D Player (image)webgl | imagewebgl
cache(optional) The caching options for the player. It contains the maxAge and scope for assets caching.string-
showConfiguration(optional) Determines if we render the default Threekit configurator.booleanfalse
initialConfiguration(optional) An override for the configuration to initialize our asset with.ConfigurationObject{}
showAR(optional) Parameter to show/hide the built-in AR Button.booleanfalse
showShare(optional) Parameter to show/hide the built-in Share Button.booleanfalse
allowMobileVerticalOrbit(optional) Toggles vertical orbit on mobile devices on or off.booleanfalse
showLoadingThumbnail(optional) Determines whether to display a snapshot while the player is loading.booleantrue
showLoadingProgress(optional) Determines if we show the progress bar during load.booleantrue
onLoadingProgress(optional) Takes a callback as its value. The callback's only argument is a number, representing the progress ratio ( from 0.0 to 1.0 ). The callback will be called whenever the loading progresses.(progress: number) => void-
compression(optional) Override the organization's compression setting for renders in 2D player.booleanfalse

Sample Code

const playerConfig: {
// (optional): determines whether to use the 3D Player (webgl) or
// the 2D Player (image).
display: 'webgl' | 'image',
// The caching options for the player. It contains the maxAge
// and scope for assets caching.
// (optional): Determines if we render the default Threekit
// configurator.
showConfigurator: true | false,
// (optional): An override for the configuration to initialize
// our asset with.
initialConfiguration: {},
// (optional): parameter to display a snapshot while the player
// is loading. Default value is false
showLoadingThumbnail: true | false,
// (optional): Determines if we show the progress bar during
// load. Default value is true.
showLoadingProgress: true | false,
// Takes a callback as its value. The callback's only argument
// is a number, representing the progress ratio ( from 0.0
// to 1.0 ). The callback will be called whenever the loading
// progresses. The progress ratio is only approximate.
onLoadingProgress: progress =>
console.log(`Progress ${parseInt(progress * 100)}`),
// (optional): Parameter to show/hide the built-in AR Button.
// Default value is false.
// (optional): Parameter to show/hide the built-in Share
// Button. Default value is false.
// (optional): toggles vertical orbit on mobile devices on or
// off. Default value is false.
allowMobileVerticalOrbit: true | false,
// (optional): Override organization's compression setting for
// renders in 2D player.